Early Forest Succession Walk at Sleepy Hollow

About The Event

**Important Event Update: Due to predicted heavy rains on Saturday, this event has been cancelled.**


Join Forester and Opacum Director Scott Gerrish to learn more about how a forest recovers from a tornado and about young forest ecology. Sleepy Hollow has a nice seasonal brook and diverse surrounding wetland and is a unique property in our region with great potential. Learn about what Opacum Land Trust has in store for this property too!  The walk will last about 2 hours and cover a distance of approximately 1 mile over terrain that is uneven and shrubby. Dress appropriately and check for ticks. PLEASE RSVP as space is limited for the walk (20 people).

When: October 7, 2023 at 9 AM (Meet at 8:45 AM for carpool)

Where: Former “Sleepy Hollow” property, Wales Rd, Brimfield, MA

Cost: Free (RSVP required)

**An Important Note About Parking** – There is limited parking available at the property. We are asking all attendees to meet at 8:45 AM at the Hitchcock Academy parking lot (corner of North Main Street and Brookfield Road in Brimfield). We will park there and carpool to Sleepy Hollow. The carpool will leave the Hitchcock parking lot promptly at 9:00 AM.